• WHERE: Province di Sucumbíos, Orellana, Napo, Manabí e Chimborazo, Ecuador
  • PERIOD: 36 months from May 2018 to April 2021
  • BENEFICIARIES:  10.800 legal and commercial parties of 45 cooperatives and/or organized groups; 10.800 families of the legal and commercial groups (59.400 individuals); population of the 5 provinces
  • PARTNERS:  ENGIM, Università della Tuscia – DAFNE, Climate and Development Foundation, l’Albero del Caffè, Fabbrica SPES s.c.s, FEPP, INIAP, Universidad Estatal Amazonica

Original title : JUNTOS- small producers network for the production of sustainable coffee, cocoa and quinoa in Ecuador


The context

The provinces where JUNTOS project is implemented are rural areas, where agriculture represents the main income source. Nonetheless those areas are characterized by extreme poverty, malnutrition, low levels of literacy, and low revenues from coffee, cocoa and quinoa production, with negative outcomes.  This is enhanced by the impact of climate change, and the difficulties in the access to more profitable markets.


Our objective

CEFA altogether with its project partners, will contribute to improve production capacities in the agriculture field and will support the models of a sustainable and inclusive supply chain. This will always be done by giving the right attention to the economic sustainability of coffee, cocoa and quinoa small producers, as well as to the food security and to fight climate change.


Our intervention

During the project, the productive, trade and associative capabilities of producers will be fostered, through training and dissemination of good agro-ecological practices. This would improve also the chances to accede to more profitable markets, which allows the direct trade of coffee, cocoa and quinoa. The production tools would be refined and ameliorated, as well as the tools of diversification and transfer of good production practices in order to increase production and resilience to climate change in the agriculture system. We will try then to introduce elements of social innovation in the organizing processes of associations and creations of relationship amongst associations of different regions, promoting within the same associations activities and innovative services, as an answer to the social needs of members and families (education, health. Credit and finance, etc…)

