Electric energy
CEFA believes in the social and economic development of rural communities starting from the ‘80s. In Tanzania CEFA implemented a system of production and distribution of electric energy to the families, firms and service providers in rural villages of Ikondo- Matembwe district.
Moreover, in order to help single users to sustain the system, CEFA set a system of microcredit, which provide even 50% of the entire costs in advance. Finally, the houses are illuminated and the light reaches even the furthest villages: kids can study at home, small commercial and artisanship activities can grow bigger.
Support to disabled people
Particular attention is given to disabled people, women and minors. We want to guarantee to everybody the right to have an education and social inclusion. In the schools of the most important city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, for instance, we are creating the conditions conducive to school inclusion and social integration of kids and young disabled people.
Human rights in jail
For more than 10 years CEFA have been working to retrieve people in Kenyan prisons, nearly 9500 amongst men and women, with the final goal of giving them a chance to start back. In addition, CEFA works to protect minors within rehabilitation institutes, almost 2000 with an average age between 8 and 16 years old. The aim is to give them an alternative to marginalization and avoid recidivism cases. They are put into a rehabilitation process during the detention period and which continues even once they are released, in the reinstatement path towards families and communities of origin.
Projects in this scope
Women for community
The project aims to support women agricultural entrepreneurs for the welfare of the whole community
Protection of human rights in prisons in Kenya
To contribute in eradicating all forms of torture, ill treatment and human rights violations within the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System in Kenya
Foster care, Prevention, Rehabilitation and Reintegration
To give a future to vulnerable children in Kenya
Boosting inclusion through social entrepreneurship
The project has a duration of 9 months and involves 24 young workers from different European and non-European countries for the creation of a social enterprise
Fighting discrimination against people with albinism in Tanzania
The project aims at fighting discrimination against people affected by albinism by raising awareness of Tanzanian civil society, through legal protection and social inclusion of albino people
Tunisia, towards a new citizenship
The project aims at raising the Tunisian population awareness on environmental issues
Our intervention areas

In the city of Beira, where CEFA works, aid has come, but there is no drinking water