CEFA - progetti ambito Migration

CEFA offers its experience and its abilities when dealing with migration, putting people at the core to guarantee peace and development to everyone.

Nowadays, migration flux towards Italy departing almost entirely from Libya are becoming one of the main issues Italy needs to tackle down. We proposed to the Italian Government to open up human corridors to asylum seekers, facilitating on the other side the return in their countries of those migrants who are willing to go back to their hometown.

We offered to operate through projects that are going to enhance life conditions of migrants but also of local communities who host migrants. We try to not replicate Lampedusa effect elsewhere, a situation in which autochthon population asking for services and not having received any answer (it is noteworthy this had nothing to do with a racist attitude), got tired of seeing proposed solutions only for migrants.

Trying to reduce as possible any form of radicalism, xenophobia and racism, CEFA is preparing training courses for local communities’ members of Morocco and Tunisia, for topics concerning welcome, and inclusion of vulnerable young people.

Projects in this scope

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